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Big Changes for 2025!
Due to a number of circumstances beyond our control, Summer School will be a little different this year.  It may be shorter than normal, but we aim to pack in plenty of training and events to keep you entertained.

A big change this year is the accommodation arrangements, so please read the booking and accommodation information carefully so you book the right accommodation for your needs.

We're Going Paperless
As we don't have the luxury of time this year to welcome you to Summer School and issue with your welcome packs in person, we will be emailing you your Welcome Pack and Timetable before you arrive.

This should allow you to head directly to your designated dojo on arrival without too much delay.  Of course, you may still need to visit the Office to collect your keys.

The Timetables will be located in the dojos and office as normal and will also be available on the website.

As a result of the shorter Summer School, the decision has been taken to hold just 1 grading this year, this being for 1st kyu and Yudansha grades only.

This will take place on the morning of Wednesday 6th August in the Old Gym. 

We're going green again!

In efforts to reduce plastic waste and reduce costs, there will be no water available in the dojos this year.

Help us reduce waste by bringing your own water in re-usable containers.
Monday Night Out
This year we thought we would try a new social event on the calendar.

After training on Monday, we are planning on gathering as many of you as possible to take the short walk into Chester, to get some food and maybe a drink or two at the Food Court in the Chester City Market.

The venue is excellent for socialising, and has many food outlets to suit all tastes and appetites.

Come along and make this a night to remember.

Details of the venue can be found here: 
Summer School Office

​We are located in the same location as last year but just as a reminder the Summer School Office will be in the Anna Sutton Building.  This will be the venue for booking-in and any other Summer School related queries.

You can find us on the Summer School Map or on the University Map (building 17).  Alternatively, what3words: jaws:pinch:hints

The office opening hours this year will be:

  • Sunday : 5pm - 7pm

  • Monday : 9am - 12pm

  • Tuesday - Thursday 9am -9.30am


If you are booking-in on Sunday and encounter difficulties on your trip and may not arrive when the office is open, then contact Steve Parr directly on 07774 862253 so we can make alternative arrangements for you.

Gala Dinner
As Summer School is shorter than normal it is imperative that we submit all of the meal choices prior to the event.  This is to allow the University Catering Department sufficient time to prepare for the dinner on Thursday evening.

To facilitate this, we will be contacting you nearer Summer School to request your options.  Watch out for the email from us.

It is imperative that you respond with your choices.  Failure to do so may result in us cancelling your place.

More Updates to Follow

There may be a few more changes to announce once we have things confirmed, watch this space!

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