There is a lot going on during the week of Summer School. The information here should provide details of what and when things are happening and help you get the most from your week.

Key Dates
Sunday 3rd
Room key collection from 5pm-7pm for those staying Sunday night
Monday 4th
Registration - Anna Sutton Building 9.00-12.00 (remainder of week 9.00-9.30)
Monday Night Out - Meet in the bar
Tuesday 5th
BAF Annual General Meeting 5.30-6.30 Anna Sutton Building
Club Instructors/Secretaries Meeting 12.15 Anna Sutton Building
Wednesday 6th
Yudansha and Ikkyu Grading (Old Gym)
Thursday 7th
Gala Dinner & Party (Whites Dining Hall)
Friday 8th
Check-Out (by 10 am)

What's New for 2025
There are some big changes for 2025!
Please review our What's New page and make sure you review all the information when booking.

You will be emailed a Welcome Pack containing a timetable nearer to Summer School. If you would prefer to view this electronically, a copy of the current timetable is available here:
Coming Soon >
Please note, this timetable may be subject to change
Classes commence on Monday and run every day all week. Find out more here.
Monday Night Out, BAF Gala Dinner. Find out more here.
Need to find your way around Summer School? Use our official Summer School Maps.
Get all the information you need for your grading at Summer School.
Need information about facilities available at Summer School? Find out more here.
New to Summer School? Get up to speed with our First Timer's Guide.