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Yudansha Grading
(1st kyu and yudansha)

The morning of
Wednesday 6th August

Taking an Ikkyu or Yudansha grading at Summer School?

Ensure your forms are sent to Stephen Parr in advance of Summer School.  Contact Steve directly via the options below:

Stephen Parr 
78 Orchard Park
CH2 4NG 

07774 862253

This year only gradings for Ikkyu and Yudansha will be held.  All applicants wishing to take a grading should submit their completed and authorised forms no later than Spring Course.

Copies of all required documents can be obtained below.


1st Kyu - 4th Dan Syllabus


All Gradings

Yudansha Gradings


1st Kyu/Yudansha (1A)

1st Kyu/Yudansha (1B)

1st Kyu/Yudansha (1C)

3rd kyu and above - £20
All Yudansha - £30 + Hombu Fee

Yudansha, please note that details of grading fees are contained in the Yudansha Grading Advice document.

Please ensure that the form you submit is the version available above, is printed in colour and signed by the necessary instructors.

Grading fees must be submitted at the same time as the grading forms

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